Spring Gardening Tips for Sellers
You’ve decided to put your home on the market and everything is in order, except that time-machine you wish you had in order to back to fall and plant bulbs for a blooming flower garden this spring. Time for a quick trip to your local gardening shop and some expert advice to create a gorgeous last minute garden or flowering window boxes to give your home that extra edge. Here are a few insider tips from the team at HJP:
1. Wow ‘Em With Your Window Box Think of your window boxes like jewelry for your home: not necessary but sure to take any look to the next level. It’s a place to display color and step up your curb appeal, but be sure to choose hearty flowers that can take the heat of a South Carolina spring and will bloom long enough to get you through a solid showing season. If your box sits in direct sunlight, opt for marigolds, geraniums and petunias. Shady spot? Try impatiens, Tuberous begonia and caladium.

2. When In Doubt, Add Mulch Fresh mulch will give your garden or landscape that “just tended to” look, stop weeds in their tracks and offer a color contrast to make your flowers really pop. Cheap and easy, mulch is your secret weapon to an impeccable garden.
3. Plant An Instant Garden When you’re in a pinch, pick up a few flats of annuals for a quickie flower garden. These flowers will last a full season, and by choosing a strong, warm-weather bloom such as zinnias, you are sure to have a glorious garden by tomorrow.
4. Frame Your Entryway Some strategically placed pots around your front door will evoke a sense of welcoming and put potential buyers in a cheerful mood as they enter your home. Group containers in odd numbers (1 or 3 together) and try this age-old trick: plant something yellow! Yellow supposedly triggers the buying emotion, possibly influencing one’s desire to make a purchase.
5. Bring the Florals Inside There is no sight more pleasing than fresh cut flowers in a clean home! Place a few tasteful and simple vases around your house to add a spring scent and make a cheerful statement. Change these often to ensure there are no dead leaves or dirty water sending the wrong message (neglect).
And our bonus tip? Tulips! These low maintenance flowers love warm sunlight and dislike water. Great for window boxes, planters, a garden or inside the house!
Use this gorgeous season to your selling advantage!